Exam Rules#

The evaluation consists of two elements:

  1. Evaluation of homework sets and group project with oral defence (weight 2/5)

  2. A 4 hour written on-location exam (weight 3/5)

Each of these two elements are graded (called a partial grade) on the Danish 7-point grading scale. The course is passed if you receive at least a 02 in each of these two elements. The final course grade is the weighed average of the two (partial) grades, rounded to the nearest grade on the grading scale. Let \((x, y)\) denote the number pair of two grades, where \(x\) denotes the (partial) grade of element 1 (homework sets and group project) and \(y\) denotes that of element 2 (written exam). The possible (partial) grades combinations with resulting course grade are:

  • 02: (02, 02), (4, 02)

  • 4: (02, 4), (02, 7), (4, 4), (7, 02), (7, 4), (10, 02)

  • 7: (02, 10), (02, 12), (4, 7), (4, 10), (7, 7), (10, 4), (10, 7), (12, 02), (12, 4)

  • 10: (4, 12), (7, 10), (7, 12), (10, 10), (12, 7), (12, 10)

  • 12: (10, 12), (12, 12)

  • Not passed: \((x,y)\), where \(x\) or \(y\) are either 00 or \(-3\).


The course syllabus consists of course Notes, the content of week programs (the exercises, the demos, etc.), and the assignments, i.e.,

  1. The entire textbook, Mathematics 1b: Functions of several variables, Ole Christensen and Jakob Lemvig, 2024.

  2. All exercises: Home assignments, Theme exercises and Weekly exercises

  3. All SymPy/Python Demos

The additional Notes by Jens Gravesen are not a part of the syllabus. The group project is not part of the 4-hour written exam.

Homework Assignments and Project#

The (partial) grade for the full homework portfolio will be given as one collective grade encompassing all assignments in the course as well as the project period. In other words, grades will not be given for the project period alone. The basis for the collective grade for the homework portfolio consists of:

  • two homework assignments.

  • the group project with an oral presentation which will start with a short individual written test concerning the core topics of the project (with a duration of one hour).

The Written On-Location Exam#

Final Written Exam: On the ordinary exam day, a 4-hour test is given where the use of all aids permitted by DTU are allowed (with no internet access). The response must be submitted as a PDF (.pdf file) or as a Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb file). To earn full points, you must provide complete arguments with an appropriate level of intermediate steps and needed justifications and reasoning. The exam can be written in either English or Danish. The syllabus is found here

Weekly Test: The Weekly Test takes place during the last hour of Short Days. There will maximally be 7 Weekly Tests throughout the semester. If, within the given hour, you score at least 60% correct, you earn 1 bonus point. If unsuccessful, the Weekly Test will reopen that same Friday at 18:00 and remain open until the following Wednesday at 18:00 for repeated attempts. If, within this timeframe, you achieve at least 60% correct, you earn 1/2 bonus point.

Bonus points: Bonus points will be added to the overall assessment of your performance at the final written exam (very roughly: if you scored 65% in the final written exam and bring 5 bonus points, the assessment basis is 70%). Note: Bonus points are not considered in reexaminations.