Locations, Teachers, and Groups

Locations, Teachers, and Groups#

  • Lectures take place in building 303A, auditorium 42 and are taught by Steeven H. Spangsdorf. Lectures are live-streamed and recorded to this link (link coming soon).

  • Exercise sessions take place in building 302/0 (entire bottom floor) and 302/1E (Eastern half of the top floor).

All students are divided into groups and assigned a teacher who is present on Long Day. You can see which group you are assigned to in the DTU Learn module (“My Course”->”Groups”). You are free to find seating anywhere within the given study area, but we encourage you to sit with your group near your teacher. You can find your teacher in the following locations:


Assigned study area



302/1 NE

Nina Kuna Peuker


302/1 SE

Giulia Meucci


302/0 NE

David Thomas Hart


302/0 NW

Joonyeob Jeon


302/0 SW

Sotero Pedro Romero Morón


302/0 SE

Ioannis Karras

On Short Day two teaching assistants are present who will roam about the entire area: William E. Mistarz and Patrick S. M. Hansen.