Extra Material#

This page contains material that is not part of the syllabus for Mathematics 1b. Therefore, you are not expected to read this subpage.

Textbook Notes#

Jens Gravesen has written some notes that cover many of the topics from Mathematics 1b. The notes contain all proofs and, for instance, the construction of the real numbers. They are intended as a supplement for students with an interest in mathematics.

Additional notes



  1. TM Quest has 11 excellent videos on basic SymPy. You can view the YouTube playlist here: SymPy Playlist on YouTube.

  2. SymPy’s official documentation introductory tutorial, available on SymPy’s documentation website.

  3. We refer to this GitLab repository for additional information on SymPy at DTU: GitLab repo. The demos here are from the 2022-23 edition of Mathematics 1.

Using Python in Teaching at NBI#

Python resources for teaching at NBI, including many Jupyter Notebooks, can be found here: https://cholmcc.gitlab.io/nbi-python/

VS Code#

VS Code has many useful tutorials on its YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Code/videos For example, on using Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code: Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code.