The Group Project Period in Mathematics 1b, Spring 2024#

In semester weeks 10-12 the usual course activities will be replaced by a project period, which culminates with a project exam day on Long Day in semester week 13. Read the below instructions carefully. Below you will also find project topic descriptions.


All project topics will cover significant parts of the syllabus from Mathematics 1a and/or Mathematics 1b, as well as the use of Python/SymPy. In some project topics, supplementary methods will be introduced in continuation of the syllabus.

Groups of 6 students must be formed. Each group must fill in a shared sign-up form via this link:

Link to sign-up form, Math1b project period 2024

The deadline for sign-up for the project is Wednesday March 20, at 17:00. It is important that you ensure that your name is on a submitted sign-up form - otherwise you will not be signed up for the project period, which constitutes a mandatory part of the final course grade.

Project Topics and Scripts/Roadmaps#

The available project topics this year can be found in the course’s Learn module under “Content”, where each project topic is presented by a one-page appetizer.

Full project descriptions – called scripts or roadmaps – will be uploaded here on Monday April 08, 2024 (only the project script for your individual, assigned project topic is relevant for you):

Each group will be assigned a supervisor, and supervision is expected to be scheduled within the usual Long-Day timeslot each Wednesday.

We expect your effort and workload to remain as usual, meaning a minimum of 18 hours a week.

Rules for Group Formation and Sign-Up#

  • You will yourselves form project groups by signing up via the sign-up form.

  • You may sign up with fewer than 6 members in a group, if e.g. your usual study group does not consist of 6 members, in which case you must anticipate either being added extra team members or, worst case, being split up.

  • You may sign up with just your own name, e.g. if you do not have a group already or if you want another topic than what your usual study group wants, in which case you will be added to a group.

  • If you sign up with a group of 6, then your group is fixed and will not be altered.

  • In the sign-up form the group must prioritize between all the available project topics that are being offered for General Engineering. Groups may be formed across existing GenEng groups, but you may not form groups with students who have the course on other weekdays.

Final Project Report#

The project finalizes with the delivery of a project report, which must live up to certain requirements and standards in format and content:

  • The report is the shared work of the entire group; you will not detail who has done what.

  • The frontpage of the report must display the project title, group name (e.g. Solar3), names, study numbers, and signatures of all group members, as well as the delivery date. Remember that when you sign the report, you are confirming that all group members have participated actively in the group’s work.

  • The report should be readable by a fellow student in the course who has worked on another project. Meaning, the target group is “your peers”, not the teacher.

  • The report is to be written in a text editor. We recommend Jupyter Notebook or Latex. It must be possible to read and understand the report without having read the script. The report is expected to have a usual outline of a technical report, meaning with e.g. introduction, analysis chapters, conclusion etc. The report should be short and concise, well-organized, and precise. Smaller, less-important details, computations, as well as Python documentation can be added as appendix.

  • Report delivery will be as an online upload as one collective PDF file. The deadline can be found on the course website frontpage. Detailed upload instructions will be added to this page here on the website when we are near the deadline. Remember that any attachements or appendices must be ”merged” with the project report, so that only one PDF file is uploaded per group.

Project Exam Day#

The project exam starts at 13:00, as indicated on the course website. The exam begins with an individual written test about your project lasting one hour. The exam is conducted on paper, and answers are to be written and delivered on the provided paper. No aids are allowed for the exam. If you are been granted extra time or permission to use a computer for the exam, you must bring documentation for this. If you have been granted more than 25% extra time, you must contact before the exam.

After the written exam, groups will present parts of the content of their report to the other groups and the supervisor. The supervisor has with the groups agreed in advance which parts they should present. Each group has approximately 15 minutes for the presentation and then 15 minutes for questions from the supervisor and the other groups. There is no individual assessment in this part of the exam.

A single grade is given for the project and the two homework assignments collectively (the homework portfolio). The grade will be communicated by email along with the grade for the final 4-hour written exam.

Finally, please note the following exam rules: “In case of documented illness during the written exam and presentation, there will be an oral examination in August. In case of illness/absence during the entire 3-week project period, the grade -3 will be awarded for the project assignment, and one will have to retake the entire course.”