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01004 Mathematics 1b
Lecture Notes
Week Programs
Week 1: Continuity
Week 2: Differentiability
Week 3: Inner-Product Spaces
Week 4: The Spectral Theorem
Week 5: Taylor Approximations
Uge 6: Extremum and Optimization
Week 7: The Riemann Integral in 1D and 2D
Week 8: The Riemann Integral in
Uge 9: Integration of Vector Fields
Python and CAS demos
Welcome to SymPy!
Week 1: Continuity, Plotting, and Partial Derivatives
Week 2: Differentiability
Week 3: Inner Product Spaces
Week 4: The Spectral Theorem, Diagonalization, and Hermitian Matrices
Week 5: Taylor Approximations
Week 6: Extrema and Optimization
Week 7: Riemann Integrals in 1D and 2D
Week 8: Riemann Integrals in multiple Dimensions and Variable Substitution
Week 9a: Line and Surface Integrals of Scalar Functions
Uge 9b: Integration of Vector Fields: The Line Integral and Flux
Homework Assignments
Homework Assignment 1
Solution Suggestion for HW1
Homework Assignment 2
Solution Suggestion for HW2
Theme Exercises
Theme 1: The Gradient Method
Theme 2: Data Matrices and Dimensional Reduction
Group Projects
Exam Problems
Info and Rules
Exam Rules
Locations, Teachers, and Groups
Online: Streaming and Ed Forum
Ed Forum
Extra materials